We have recovered millions of dollars for injury victims and their families.

​​​Quincy, Illinois Car Accident Lawyer: Get a Lawyer BEFORE Speaking With Any Insurance Company

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2021 | Car Accidents, Firm News |

At the Law Office of Stephen P. Rapp, Quincy, Illinois, we see that clients often have called their insurance agent or have given recorded statements right after a car accident. It is important to know and protect your legal rights. Retain a lawyer BEFORE contact with an insurance company.

Don’t Make The Mistake of Giving A Statement or Thinking Your Insurance Agent Will Help You When Injured.

Instead of getting to the hospital or getting medical care and treatment, many people make the mistake of speaking with the insurance company for the negligent driver and giving a recorded statement. This insurance company technique is often used to try to blame you for all or part of a car accident. Don’t be fooled! An insurance company might say that we need your statement so we can pay for your property damage. In my many years of practice rarely is a statement ever given so don’t fall prey to these tactics. Be concerned about your injuries, go to the emergency room or a medical doctor as soon after the crash to get fully evaluated and treated. Retain a lawyer who has experience in handling personal injury claims. At the Law Office of Stephen P. Rapp in Quincy, Illinois, we can make all contact with any insurance company including your own and not only handle your property damage but your bodily injury claim. Don’t wait as your rights to full and fair compensation can be affected.

Calling Your Own Agent or Insurance Company Can Be A Big Mistake.

Many Proof of Insurance Cards say “Call your Agent.” At The Law Office of Stephen P. Rapp, Quincy, Illinois, we urge clients to let us make contact with ANY insurance company for you. An insurance agent sells insurance and they don’t help you with a claim involving another carrier. In our years of experience we have heard of agents telling clients to “not hire a lawyer” or try to talk them out of making a valid claim on their policy. The truth is that it is important to get a skilled lawyer experienced in personal injury law right away to handle your claim. We have seen many examples of clients saying, “if I had only know that.” If you or a loved one gets injured in a car crash, get a lawyer on your side immediately. In our office, we get right to work for you so you can concentrate on getting the medical care and treatment you need.