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Safety is paramount when sharing the road with farm vehicles

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2025 | Farm Accidents |

In rural areas of Illinois where farming is an integral part of the community, a common concern is safety. Sharing the road with large vehicles used for farming can be challenging. Often, drivers of passenger vehicles, midsize trucks and buses are unfamiliar with the possible risks they face. This leads to mistakes and auto accidents with terrible consequences.

A key for people operating these large vehicles like farm machinery and those who encounter them is to understand the fundamentals for safety and why accidents happen. Still, many are either unaware or willing to take dangerous risks. After a collision, it is imperative to understand what options are available to make a full recovery.

Farm vehicles are prevalent on rural roads

Throughout the Midwest, where farming is a source of employment and income for many, there is legitimate concern over farm vehicle accidents. This is true in both rural and urban areas. Experts who have in-the-trenches experience with farm vehicles strive to educate drivers about how to share the road safely.

One farm bureau president in McHenry County who saw his town increase in population by nearly 1,000% from 1990 to 2020 explained why those driving passenger vehicles are often the catalyst for accidents due to the simple matter of impatience.

Other nearby farmers express similar frustrations. Drivers refuse to wait until a farm vehicle is clear before trying to pass. This leads them directly in the path of oncoming traffic on narrow, two-lane roads. It can result in head-on crashes, vehicles swerving off the road, and other potential problems. A head-on crash with a large farm vehicle or another car can cause catastrophic injuries and death.

Showing young drivers how visibility is impaired when traveling behind a large farm vehicle is meant to express the litany of bad things that can happen by refusing to wait. Video programs for drivers’ education are also used.

Unfortunately, farm vehicle accidents will continue to happen

Although educational programs and increased vigilance can be effective, the sad reality is that drivers will keep behaving recklessly when encountering farm vehicles. This puts them and others in jeopardy.

Any auto accident carries with it the possibility of injuries and death. Given the size of farm vehicles, the danger is worse. When there is a crash and people are injured, it can lead to medical costs, lost income, the need for rehabilitation and long-term care. A personal injury lawsuit can help compensate the injured for all they’ve lost.


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