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Weather contributes to a tragic Christmas collision

On Behalf of | Jan 2, 2025 | Car Accidents |

An accident on a major Illinois highway in another part of the state left two people dead. This head-on collision happened in the early morning hours of Christmas Day.

Authorities reported that the drivers of the two vehicles involved both died. Authorities said that one driver was heading the wrong way on an interstate highway when the vehicles collided head-on. The police said that the dense fog in the area that morning may have contributed to the accident.

Other details about the accident were not clear, as police are continuing their investigation.

Winter weather poses additional hazards to Illinois motorists

This tragedy serves as a reminder to farmers and commercial drivers in the Quincy area, as well as those traveling in or through the area for personal reasons, that winter weather creates unique hazards on the roads during this time of year.

Quincy may experience dense fog as the air warms up after a cold snap. Winter also brings snow and ice into the area.

Drivers have an obligation to slow down to account for winter weather conditions, even if doing so means driving slower than the posted speed limit.

Motorists also need to pay careful attention to their driving, especially if they have reduced visibility or are on slippery roads. There is certainly no shame in putting off a trip if a person does not feel confident that they can avoid an accident in winter weather.

Victims of collisions related to winter weather may have legal options

If Illinois drivers engage in risky behavior during winter weather and cause a significant motor vehicle accident, they may be held legally accountable to their victims. They may have to pay for their victims’ medical expenses and lost wages as well as for non-economic losses like pain and suffering.

Those injured in an Illinois motor vehicle accident because of someone else’s negligent winter driving should evaluate their options carefully.